About Us
ICC was inaugurated as a parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God in June 2004 at the university of East London.
We are one of the now over 800 parishes of RCCG in the UK.
We presently have over 5000 parishes in more a 150 countries around the world.
Brief History
International Christian Centre is a Parish of The Redeemed Christian of God based in Chadwell Heath, Romford, Essex. It was inaugurated on the 4th of June 2004 at the University of East London before moving to its present home facility in Chadwell Heath commonly known as the RLC Community Resource Centre in June 2006. We are a Church for All Nations and operate an open door policy welcoming everyone seeking God and wishing to build a personal relationship with God through Christ Jesus irrespective of race, gender, creed, tribe orientation or nationality. We however aim to see everyone who comes through our doors become transformed into the image and likeness Jesus Christ; fulfil their God ordained purpose in life and
become productive and serving members of the local church assembly and communities.